Source code for pyedra.datasets

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of the
#   Pyedra Project (
# Copyright (c) 2020, Milagros Colazo
# License: MIT
#   Full Text:

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The pyedra.datasets module includes utilities to load datasets.

It also features some artificial data generators.

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import os
import pathlib

import pandas as pd

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PATH = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

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[docs]def load_carbognani2019(): """Input for use with the phase functions. This dataset contains the first and second columns of Table 2 of [6]_ . These columns correspond to: phase angle (°) and V_max (mag). V_max is the reduced magnitude of the lightcurve maximum. References ---------- .. [6] Carbognani, A., Cellino, A., & Caminiti, S. (2019). New phase-magnitude curves for some main belt asteroids, fit of different photometric systems and calibration of the albedo-Photometry relation. Planetary and Space Science, 169, 15-34. """ path = PATH / "carbognani2019.csv" return pd.read_csv(path)
[docs]def load_penttila2016(): """Tabulated values of the base functions for H-G1-G2 system. This dataset corresponds to Table B.4 of [7]_ . References ---------- .. [7] A. Penttilä, V. G. Shevchenko, O. Wilkman, & K. Muinonen (2016). H,G1, G2 photometric phase function extended to low-accuracy data. 123:117–125. """ path = PATH / "penttila2016.csv" return pd.read_csv(path)
[docs]def load_gaia(): """Gaia observations. The data used to obtain these quantities were downloaded from the Gaia Archive ( [8]_ . References ---------- .. [8] Gaia Collaboration et al., 2018, A&A, 616, A13 """ path = PATH / "gaia.csv.bz2" return pd.read_csv(path, na_filter=False, compression="bz2")