Source code for pyedra.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of the
#   Pyedra Project (
# Copyright (c) 2020, Milagros Colazo
# License: MIT
#   Full Text:

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"""Implementation of phase function for asteroids."""

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import abc
from import Mapping

import attr

import pandas as pd

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[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True, repr=False) class MetaData(Mapping): """Implements an inmutable dict-like to store the metadata. Also provides attribute like access to the keys. Example ------- >>> metadata = MetaData({"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> metadata.a 1 >>> metadata["a"] 1 """ _data = attr.ib(converter=dict, factory=dict) def __repr__(self): """repr(x) <=> x.__repr__().""" return f"Metadata({repr(self._data)})" def __getitem__(self, k): """x[k] <=> x.__getitem__(k).""" return self._data[k] def __iter__(self): """iter(x) <=> x.__iter__().""" return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): """len(x) <=> x.__len__().""" return len(self._data) def __getattr__(self, a): """getattr(x, y) <==> x.__getattr__(y) <==> getattr(x, y).""" return self[a]
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True, repr=False) class PyedraFitDataFrame: """Initialize a dataframe model_df to which we can apply function a.""" model = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) model_df = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(pd.DataFrame)) plot_cls = attr.ib() metadata = attr.ib(factory=MetaData, converter=MetaData) plot = attr.ib(init=False) @plot.default def _plot_default(self): return self.plot_cls(self) def __getitem__(self, slice): """x[y] <==> x.__getitem__(y).""" sliced = self.model_df.__getitem__(slice) return PyedraFitDataFrame( model=self.model, model_df=sliced, plot_cls=self.plot_cls, metadata=dict(self.metadata), ) def __dir__(self): """dir(pdf) <==> pdf.__dir__().""" return super().__dir__() + dir(self.model_df) def __getattr__(self, a): """getattr(x, y) <==> x.__getattr__(y) <==> getattr(x, y).""" return getattr(self.model_df, a) def __repr__(self): """repr(x) <=> x.__repr__().""" with pd.option_context("display.show_dimensions", False): df_body = repr(self.model_df).splitlines() df_dim = list(self.model_df.shape) sdf_dim = f"{df_dim[0]} rows x {df_dim[1]} columns" fotter = f"\nPyedraFitDataFrame - {sdf_dim}" pyedra_data_repr = "\n".join(df_body + [fotter]) return pyedra_data_repr def _repr_html_(self): ad_id = id(self) with pd.option_context("display.show_dimensions", False): df_html = self.model_df._repr_html_() rows = f"{self.model_df.shape[0]} rows" columns = f"{self.model_df.shape[1]} columns" footer = f"PyedraFitDataFrame - {rows} x {columns}" parts = [ f'<div class="pyedra-data-container" id={ad_id}>', df_html, footer, "</div>", ] html = "".join(parts) return html
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class BasePlot(abc.ABC): """Plots for HG fit.""" # this is the default size of any plot. DEFAULT_FIGURE_SIZE = 10, 6 pdf = attr.ib() @abc.abstractproperty def default_plot_kind(self): """Return the default plot to be rendered.""" def __call__(self, kind=None, **kwargs): """``plot() <==> plot.__call__()``.""" kind = self.default_plot_kind if kind is None else kind if kind.startswith("_"): raise AttributeError(f"Ivalid plot method '{kind}'") method = getattr(self, kind) if not callable(method): raise AttributeError(f"Ivalid plot method '{kind}'") return method(**kwargs) def __getattr__(self, y): """getattr(x, y) <==> x.__getattr__(y) <==> getattr(x, y).""" return getattr(self.pdf.model_df.plot, y)
# ============================================================================ # FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================
[docs]def obs_counter(df, obs, idc="id", alphac="alpha"): """Count the observations. A minimum is needed to the fits. Parameters ---------- df: ``pandas.DataFrame`` The dataframe must with the values idc : ``str``, optional (default=id) Column with the mpc number of the asteroids. alphac : ``str``, optional (default=alpha) Column with the phase angle of the asteroids. obs: ``int`` Minimum number of observations needed to perform the fit. Return ------ out: ndarray Numpy array containing the asteroids whose number of observations is less than obs. """ df_cnt = df.groupby(idc).count() lt_idx = df_cnt[df_cnt[alphac] < obs].index return lt_idx.to_numpy()
[docs]def merge_obs( obs_a, obs_b, idc_a="id", idc_b="id", alphac_a="alpha", alphac_b="alpha", magc_a="v", magc_b="v", **kwargs, ): """Merge two dataframes with observations. Sources whose id is not present in `obs_a` are discarded. The function concantenates two dataframes (``obs_a`` and ``obs_b``), and assumes that the columns ``idc_a``, ``alphac_a`` and ``magc_a`` from ``obs_a`` are equivalent to ``idc_b``, ``alphac_b`` and ``magc_b`` from a dataframe ``obs_b``. The resulting dataframe uses the names of ``obs_a`` for those three columns and places them at the start, and all other columns of both dataframes combined with the same behavior of ``pandas.concat``. Parameters ---------- obs_a: ``pandas.DataFrame`` The dataframe must with the observations. obs_b: ``pandas.DataFrame`` The dataframe must with the observations to be concatenated to ``obs_a``. idc_a : ``str``, optional (default=id) Column with the mpc number of the asteroids of the ``obs_a`` dataframe. idc_b : ``str``, optional (default=id) Column with the mpc number of the asteroids of the ``obs_b`` dataframe. alphac_a : ``str``, optional (default=alpha) Column with the phase angle of the asteroids of the ``obs_a`` dataframe. alphac_b : ``str``, optional (default=alpha) Column with the phase angle of the asteroids of the ``obs_b`` dataframe. magc_a : ``str``, optional (default=v) Column with the magnitude of the ``obs_a`` dataframe. The default 'v' value is reference to the reduced magnitude in Johnson's V filter. magc_b : ``str``, optional (default=v) Column with the magnitude of the ``obs_b`` dataframe. The default 'v' value is reference to the reduced magnitude in Johnson's V filter. kwargs: ``dict`` or ``None`` (optional) The parameters to send to the subjacent ``pandas.concat`` function. Return ------ ``pd.DataFrame`` : Merged dataframes. """ # set the order of the first 3 columns of the obs_a and the merged df columns_a = [idc_a, alphac_a, magc_a] + [ c for c in obs_a.columns if c not in [idc_a, alphac_a, magc_a] ] obs_a = obs_a[columns_a] # retrieve only tne ids of the first datasets from the secondone ids = obs_a[idc_a].unique() obs_b = obs_b[obs_b[idc_b].isin(ids)].copy() # rename the columns of obs_b according to obs_a names map_b_col_names = {idc_b: idc_a, alphac_b: alphac_a, magc_b: magc_a} columns_b = [map_b_col_names.get(c, c) for c in obs_b.columns] obs_b.columns = columns_b # set the default configuration of pd.concat kwargs.setdefault("ignore_index", True) # merge and return merged = pd.concat([obs_a, obs_b], **kwargs) return merged